Cassandra Documentation



What are tombstones?

Cassandra’s processes for deleting data are designed to improve performance, and to work with Cassandra’s built-in properties for data distribution and fault-tolerance.

Cassandra treats a deletion as an insertion, and inserts a time-stamped deletion marker called a tombstone. The tombstones go through Cassandra’s write path, and are written to SSTables on one or more nodes. The key feature difference of a tombstone is that it has a built-in expiration date/time. At the end of its expiration period, the grace period, the tombstone is deleted as part of Cassandra’s normal compaction process.

You can also mark a Cassandra row or column with a time-to-live (TTL) value. After this amount of time has ended, Cassandra marks the object with a tombstone, and handles it like other tombstoned objects.

Why tombstones?

The tombstone represents the deletion of an object, either a row or column value. This approach is used instead of removing values because of the distributed nature of Cassandra. Once an object is marked as a tombstone, queries will ignore all values that are time-stamped previous to the tombstone insertion.


In a multi-node cluster, Cassandra may store replicas of the same data on two or more nodes. This helps prevent data loss, but it complicates the deletion process. If a node receives a delete command for data it stores locally, the node tombstones the specified object and tries to pass the tombstone to other nodes containing replicas of that object. But if one replica node is unresponsive at that time, it does not receive the tombstone immediately, so it still contains the pre-delete version of the object. If the tombstoned object has already been deleted from the rest of the cluster before that node recovers, Cassandra treats the object on the recovered node as new data, and propagates it to the rest of the cluster. This kind of deleted but persistent object is called a zombie.

Grace period

To prevent the reappearance of zombies, Cassandra gives each tombstone a grace period. The grace period for a tombstone is set with the table property ` WITH gc_grace_seconds`. Its default value is 864000 seconds (ten days), after which a tombstone expires and can be deleted during compaction. Prior to the grace period expiring, Cassandra will retain a tombstone through compaction events. Each table can have its own value for this property.

The purpose of the grace period is to give unresponsive nodes time to recover and process tombstones normally. If a client writes a new update to the tombstoned object during the grace period, Cassandra overwrites the tombstone. If a client sends a read for that object during the grace period, Cassandra disregards the tombstone and retrieves the object from other replicas if possible.

When an unresponsive node recovers, Cassandra uses hinted handoff to replay the database mutations the node missed while it was down. Cassandra does not replay a mutation for a tombstoned object during its grace period. But if the node does not recover until after the grace period ends, Cassandra may miss the deletion.

After the tombstone’s grace period ends, Cassandra deletes the tombstone during compaction.


After gc_grace_seconds has expired the tombstone may be removed (meaning there will no longer be any object that a certain piece of data was deleted). But one complication for deletion is that a tombstone can live in one SSTable and the data it marks for deletion in another, so a compaction must also remove both SSTables. More precisely, drop an actual tombstone the:

  • The tombstone must be older than gc_grace_seconds. Note that tombstones will not be removed until a compaction event even if gc_grace_seconds has elapsed.

  • If partition X contains the tombstone, the SSTable containing the partition plus all SSTables containing data older than the tombstone containing X must be included in the same compaction. If all data in any SSTable containing partition X is newer than the tombstone, it can be ignored.

  • If the option only_purge_repaired_tombstones is enabled, tombstones are only removed if the data has also been repaired. This process is described in the "Deletes with tombstones" sections.

If a node remains down or disconnected for longer than gc_grace_seconds, its deleted data will be repaired back to the other nodes and reappear in the cluster. This is basically the same as in the "Deletes without Tombstones" section.

Deletes without tombstones

Imagine a three node cluster which has the value [A] replicated to every node.:

[A], [A], [A]

If one of the nodes fails and and our delete operation only removes existing values, we can end up with a cluster that looks like:

[], [], [A]

Then a repair operation would replace the value of [A] back onto the two nodes which are missing the value.:

[A], [A], [A]

This would cause our data to be resurrected as a zombie even though it had been deleted.

Deletes with tombstones

Starting again with a three node cluster which has the value [A] replicated to every node.:

[A], [A], [A]

If instead of removing data we add a tombstone object, so the single node failure situation will look like:

[A, Tombstone[A]], [A, Tombstone[A]], [A]

Now when we issue a repair the tombstone will be copied to the replica, rather than the deleted data being resurrected:

[A, Tombstone[A]], [A, Tombstone[A]], [A, Tombstone[A]]

Our repair operation will correctly put the state of the system to what we expect with the object [A] marked as deleted on all nodes. This does mean we will end up accruing tombstones which will permanently accumulate disk space. To avoid keeping tombstones forever, we set gc_grace_seconds for every table in Cassandra.

Fully expired SSTables

If an SSTable contains only tombstones and it is guaranteed that SSTable is not shadowing data in any other SSTable, then the compaction can drop that SSTable. If you see SSTables with only tombstones (note that TTL’d data is considered tombstones once the time-to-live has expired), but it is not being dropped by compaction, it is likely that other SSTables contain older data. There is a tool called sstableexpiredblockers that will list which SSTables are droppable and which are blocking them from being dropped. With TimeWindowCompactionStrategy it is possible to remove the guarantee (not check for shadowing data) by enabling unsafe_aggressive_sstable_expiration.